Programming has always been my passion, that's why when i wrote my first extension, or even the last one, I didn't care much if I would make money of it or not, in fact, I am a big supporter of open-source software, so I posted them for free under the GPL License.

But, truth to be said, its not enough in this world to do the things you like to do, you have to earn a living, and support yourself, and your family, thus, as a professional programmer and web-designer, I provide the following services:

Services I Provide:

  • Upgrade your Joomla Site.
  • Create custom extensions for Joomla! Sites.
  • Modify already existing Extensions to suit your needs.
  • Modify already existing Templates to suit your needs.
  • Ajaxify your existing Extensions.
  • Check and fix any errors or XHTML compliance issues in your website.

My Programming Knowledge: I work with the following languages and technologies on a daily basis: HTML, XML, PHP, Javascript, CSS, Twitter Bootstrap, MySQL, the Joomla! Framework, Ruby on Rails, Git, and many more! You can always contact me using the contact form.